1,800+ eBooks on a wide range of subjects and 800+ literary classics by the most important authors in world history and literature. Provided by Infobase eBooks
Premier eReference collection including encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, images, audio files and videos on a wide expanse of subjects. Provided by NC LIVE.
More than 86,000 scholarly eBooks supporting student and faculty research and nearly all are downloadable using Adobe Digital Editions and all are viewable via a web browser. Provided by NC LIVE.
21,000+ academic, career and technical education videos on topics ranging from anthropology to world languages. Includes Oscar, Emmy and Peabody award winning documentaries, interviews, instructional and vocational training videos, historical speeches and newsreels. Provided by NC LIVE.
Articles, critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, and biographies covering authors, their works, and literary movements. Provided by NC LIVE.
Searchable, electronic collections of magazine, newspaper, and scholarly journal articles, eBooks, audioBooks, historical materials, maps, and much more - covering a wide range of topics.
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eBook collections within NC LIVE include:
ABC-CLIO E-Book Collection
Credo Reference
Ebook Central Academic and Public Library Complete
eBooks on EBSCOhost
Gale Virtual Reference Library
HomeGrown Ebooks Collection
Open Library
SIRS Discoverer
Testing & Education Reference Center
Provides information on social issues; includes viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text academic journal, magazine and newspaper articles.
This collection has a wealth of primary source materials on the history of American Indian tribes and supporting organizations. These materials cover a broad range of topics, from the seventeenth to twentieth century, including early encounters with settlers to contemporary issues faced by Indigenous communities. Provided by NC LIVE.