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ENG 102 Applied Communications II - Dr. Lamb

Resources for the special metals project

Quick Facts

  • When you visit the library, be sure to have your student ID. 
  • Book loans are 3 weeks.
  • Penalties for Overdue Items (starting at 1 week overdue):
    • Student accounts will be blocked until overdue items are returned.
    • Library loans, renewals or holds cannot be made on blocked accounts. 
    • Blocked accounts will be unable to register for classes or receive a diploma upon graduation
    • The library does not charge a daily late fee. 
  • Newspapers, reference books, and items on reserve can only be used in the library.
  • The Library has 24 computers, and the Library Computer Lab has 28 computers. All computers are equipped with Windows 10. Library computers are equipped with MS Office 2019 and Lab computers are equipped with MS Office 365.
  • Once you log off a computer, your work will not be saved. We suggest using a USB, OneDrive, Google Docs or email to save your work.
  • The College's Electronic Access Acceptable Use Policy (opens in a new window) governs the use of all computers in the library and the library computer lab.
  • The Training Area of the Library Computer Lab has 10 computers that can be reserved for groups by emailing (opens in a new window).
  • Black & white computer printouts cost $.05 each and color printouts cost $.20 each.
  • Photocopies cost $.10 each. You can also use the photocopier to scan documents to a USB drive at no charge.
  • Curriculum students are credited $5 each semester for printing in the library. Credits don’t roll over.