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The Writing Center operates on a walk-in basis and is located in the R. Alton Cox Learning Resources Center (LRC) room 214.Take the stairs or elevator to the second floor and then proceed to the back of the building to the Writing Center. The hours of operation are posted on the door.

To use the E-Writing Center, students should:

  1. Email* a designated instructor during the hours they are scheduled. *Students should use their RCC email address.

  2. Attach the essay draft as a word document.

  3. Include a brief subject in the SUBJECT or RE line.

  4. Include a message with specific questions.

  5. Include the course/instructor information and a description of what the writing assignment entails. Attaching the actual assignment guidelines can be helpful.

The WC Consultant will e-mail the student back with general feedback and suggestions on how to improve their writing.